Sunday, September 21, 2014

Midnight At The Witch's Hat

"The Witch Hat Tower And A Full Moon" by Mark Goodman Photo

If this stunning image doesn't convince you that Minneapolis, Minnesota has places of power, I don't know what will. The Witch's Hat in Prospect Park has been part of the Twin Cities' occult landscape since 1913. It was built as a water tower (with a bandstand deck at the top) and it occupies the highest natural spot in the landscape of Minneapolis.

This was just one of the numerous supernatural locations that the we identified in our first playtest session of Dresden Files Accelerated. Others included the Elf House near Lake Harriet...

Minneapolis Star Tribune

Where it looks pretty easy to leave a message... for someone.

Elf House

More to come on the "movers and shakers" in our Minneapolis' Dresden setting, as well as on the cool PCs that our players created using Dresden Files Accelerated's "Mantles".


  1. so cool! I've been to both places! I probably wouldn't be able to find the gnome house again these days, though.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jeffry!

      I have a hunch that in the game, the Elf House moves around a bit, so in a sense everyone is discovering it for the first time!

  2. If you have not read War for the Oaks, you really, really should. It's a fantasy novel set in the Twin Cities, and the Witches' Hat is the site of a most excellent scene. I think it would make a nice source of inspiration for you.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kevin! I have tried to read "War of the Oaks" a couple of times, and not gotten very far. Nothing wrong with it, in fact I have a friend who lived in the same big apartment building as Brust, Bull, Shetterly, and Ford, and used to game with them. Those must have been the days, and you can feel that around the edges of the book.

      Another great one is Eleanor Arnason's "A Daughter of the Bear King" in which there is a dragon battle from the Nicollet Mall all the way down to the Ford Parkway Bridge.
