Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Fate Events at U-Con

Event registration just went live for U-Con, a great gaming convention in Ypslanti, Michigan. I will be running three events there. Today I am highlighting my two that are in the Fate Track.

Mine are the only two games in the Fate Track right now. I am sure that will change, but if you are interested in the Fate edition of the Strange Stars game setting, or exploring the fabulous world of Tekumel using Fate, get signed up today!

You can see the Fate track here.

Speaking of Strange Stars, I have a feeling I will have a print copy of Strange Stars Fate System Edition to show off at the con!

UPDATE: You can find my Strange Stars game in the GAME WITH THE CREATOR track now. It looks like the Fate track toggle has been turned off, at least for the moment!